Line – The Series traces the lives of Detective Senior Sergeant Mike Doyle (Damian Oehme) and Detective Sergeant Bill Saxon (To Be Cast) who have spent many, many years fighting crime. Doyle, in particular struggles to accept the changes to society and challenges the concepts of Political Correctness and the weaknesses in the Judicial system.

A young policewoman, Cassie Lee (Candice Leask) finds herself seconded to the Branch and commences her tour of duty with the detectives, experiencing the traits of her two experienced bosses, firstly finding her feet and developing into a great detective.

It is a hard hitting series covering the stresses and pressures encountered by operational police who battle the court system, interference by the media and the difficulties of Police Command who will not accept ‘tried and true ‘policing methodologies, preferring to move forward with contemporary societal change.

The pilot episode introduces the characters,  includes some intense moments, violent crime and much more.

As the series unfolds, the characters are faced with extremely trying incidents which tests their mental and physical well being.

This series must not be missed!



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Best wishes – Line – The Series crew.

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